Happy New Year!
I’m late with my posting because, well I’ve had the plague. It started the Wednesday before Christmas when I went on vacation (of course) and is
still lingering on. No amount of cough medicine, …
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Quick update
I’ve been incredibly busy at work, piling in huge amounts of overtime – something that will continue for the next few months at least. That means my knitting time has been almost non-existent.
I am a very lucky person. I have a wonderful family, fabulous friends, a husband who puts up with the slight obsession I have with yarn/spinning/knitting, a cat who hasn’t eaten anything requiring
huge vet bills (lately), a great job and funny and talented co-workers. …
Spinning Seaweed
I’ll admit it – the stranger the substance, the more likely I am to spin it. I have both some milk fibre and some banana fibre in my stash, and they are waiting not so patiently to go onto the wheel,
but a recent trip to visit John and …