Simplicity [ sim-plis-i-tee ] noun, plural sim·plic·i·ties. To me, the granny square perfectly defines simplicity. Just two stitches – chain and double crochet. That’s it. Yet stunningly beautiful creations come from that simplicity. I’m drawn to the meditative nature of grannies – I’ve probably made hundreds, if not thousands of them over my 50 years […]
We all could use some comfort
After my mom passed suddenly in 2003, I was sent a comfortghan to help me feel a little less alone. I became a member of Heartmade Blessings that day, and when I was working with them, I assembled and sent dozens of ghans to people going through a difficult time and made squares for other […]
Getting ready for the 2024 Tour de Fleece!
Preparation for Tour de Fleece 2024 (TdF24) has begun! I have so many SIPs that I’m not sure where to start. I plan on a hybrid approach – a bit of fleece cleaning, fibre prep, spindle, wheel – really whatever moves me. I find rotating between different styles helps to reduce the strain on my […]
No Sew Quilted Ornaments – my newest obsession
I’ll admit it – I was a home economics class failure. Sewing has never been my thing, and after a traumatic experience sewing a rayon polka dot dress with a peplum (hello, it was 1985 – cut me some slack!) that turned into a night-before-it’s-due disaster (apparently you need to wash fabric before you sew […]
Learning to dye
I’ve been meaning to learn to dye for a long time. I dipped my toes (metaphorically not physically) in dyeing silk scarves, but didn’t go much further. The long Canadian winter (go home Mother Nature – you’re drunk)