Getting ready for the 2024 Tour de Fleece!
Preparation for Tour de Fleece 2024 (TdF24) has begun! I have so many SIPs that I’m not sure where to start. I plan on a hybrid approach – a bit of fleece cleaning, fibre prep, spindle, wheel – really whatever moves me. I find rotating between different styles helps to reduce the strain on my elbows/wrists/hands that happens when I end up in hyperfocus mode.
First up will be my glorious fleeces from Nui Milton at Casalana. I have three colours (5 fleeces) to choose from, but it really doesn’t matter which I pick – coming in at 14 microns, these fleeces are the gold standard for Merino. I wish the internet had feel-o-vision, but you’ll just have to deal with images for now.

Ok so maybe you don’t want smell-ovision in this picture. Merino is particularly greasy but oh so worth the effort when you end up with this!
After a wash….angels sing!

A little bit of combing and it just gets better (if that’s even possible)

A few turns around the wheel, and you get this glorious bundle of squooshy goodness.