We all could use some comfort

We all could use some comfort

After my mom passed suddenly in 2003, I was sent a comfortghan to help me feel a little less alone. I became a member of Heartmade Blessings that day, and when I was working with them, I assembled and sent dozens of ghans to people going through a difficult time and made squares for other assemblers.

Online friends also made a ghan for my father and planted flowers around the world in her memory. They sent messages of love and support for him, and I plotted each flower on a map so he could imagine them blooming around the world. He wanted to know each and every person who contributed a square to the ghan. When he passed, I requested all of the ghans I’d made him over the years to keep him warm when going through chemo.

I still cuddle up in them when I’m feeling alone. Because it helps me understand that I’m not. I just need to reach out a tiny bit and someone will be there to talk, to sit in silence with me, to make me laugh, to make me think.

All of that preamble to tell you about a comfortghan I finished. A very special team member’s child suffered a traumatic brain injury and is going to have some big challenges ahead of him. As soon as I heard, on the hook went a bearghan because I knew both he and his dad needed a hug. Over the years I’ve made more than 20 of these for children who are going through tough times, and each one is more special than the last. I can see him wrapped in it in my mind and I’m looking forward to seeing pictures 🙂

An afghan in the shape of a bear is made with 5 large granny squares for arms and legs and another for his head

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