Now You’re Cookin’
I am a lazy person. I don’t like to cook, especially after a
long day. So I’ve finally gotten smart and started spending one day a weekend cooking and freezing.
It’s official!
I was absolutely speechless (hard to imagine I know!) this morning when I went to Ravelry and saw this:
By Jove I think she’s got it!
What is a Jove anyway?I finished watching the Mabel Ross DVD I bought yesterday and I understand the principles of spinning much more…although I have to admit all those twist per inch calculations made my non-math enabled brain explode.
Running Amok
My sensei Terry and I took advantage of a rare day off from work for me and headed north. I thought we’d get stuck in endless lunatic Toronto escapees, but surprisingly we made it all the way to Gemini Fibres in around 30 minutes.
While the carnage was …
Imagine breathing through a straw
That’s what I’m dealing with now. Asthma + pollution + hot humid smuggy air literally leaves me breathless.
People ask me what it’s like. I tell them to breathe through a straw for an hour and get back to me. Go ahead, try it – you won’t like it.
As I …