Hot Time Summer in the City
I started a summer sweater today – this means that I’ll finish it sometime around December ๐ I wanted to share with you a couple of things that I do when I’m working on garments.
One I’ve told you of already, (the Stashaholic’s way of measuring), and the other is to pin on post it notes that tell you what row you’re on. This works especially well with a two row repeat. I always have a hard time remembering…was I on row 3 or 4? Which side is the right side? By putting the post-it’s on the respective row, I instantly know where I am and what the beginning and ending stitches are (somehow I always have brain cramps with that).
Here’s a pic where you can see what I mean – on the left is a string that measures 18″ from where I started – that’s where I’ll start decreasing for the arm, and on the right is the post-it note.
I couldn’t resist this picture of Clancy. No, she’s not eating spaghetti, it’s cotton yarn. She’s developed particularly sharp teeth that can saw throughย yarn in less than 10 seconds. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve hit the wet soggy section of yarn and then…nothing but air. I’ve resorted to keeping the yarn in a bucket with a lid. It’s gotten to the point where I need to either keep Clancy or the yarn in the bucket, and the yarn put up less of a struggle. ๐