Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice and Welcome to Summer!

It was such a long hard winter that no one in Toronto would dare complain. Although I’m sure we will before the summer is over!

I joined the Summer of Socks ’08 challenge because for some reason, even though I keep
accumulating sock yarn and patterns, I only have about 3 pairs. I waited eagerly
all week for the start date to come – no cheating here.

First on the needles is Snapdragon by Wendy Johnston out of ShiBuiKnits
in colour seaweed. I kinda invented my own cast on because the others seem
really complicated to me. The pattern is going well so far. I’ve never knit toe
up before – so far so good.

I also am challenging myself to learn to knit Magic Loop. Watching the videos doesn’t
make it look all that hard. Having the needles in my hands may be a different
thing. I’ve ordered the needles from KnitPicks and they should be here next week.

Before the sock challenge started, I thought it would be a good idea to work
on Iccy some more. I deluded myself that somehow I could finish it up so that I could
start my socks with a clean conscience (like that could ever happen). Since it’s
taking about 20 -30 minutes per row now (I’m on the last chart), how I honestly
thought that I would finish 23 rows plus the 4 finishing rows in one night is
beyond me. (yup – Queen of Denial here).

I did manage to finish 8 rows but then my hands got all crampy and I had to
shut it down. It’s going to be hot today here so sitting with a pile of Kauni on
my lap is probably not a good thing.

Yesterday I worked at home because I had a software implementation at night.
While waiting for the techies to be ready for me, I puttered around the kitchen
(not something I’m known for). I made the best ever cookies. Mine didn’t flatten out like hers and I didn’t have parchment paper so they got a bit “crispy” on the bottom. But wow are they good.

I asked The Boy if he’d had any cookies after I went to bed. He said “a couple”.
Hrumph…there were three left when I got up!

I also made a great pecan chicken casserole. I added a lot more hot sauce then it asks for because, well I like hot food (I only eat food to have something to put hot sauce on),
and I didn’t have any dill.

Well, I’m heading back to knit some more on my sock – summer is the shortest
season after all (or at least it seems like it is!)


2 thoughts on “Happy Solstice!

  1. I like those socks.
    Magic Loop is not difficult, just a lot of twiddling (if that is a word)in the beginning. I learned it by mistake.

    Save some cookies for me. I can have one per day, I think.

  2. Hi,

    What is the book that Wendy wrote with all toe-up sock patterns? I haven’t tried toe-up yet.


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