Free at Last!

Due to a technical glitch which rendered me unable to work, I had an unexpectedly free weekend. I took advantage of it by tacking Mount Laundry, baking some bread and finishing a long-languishing WIP.

I have an 8-foot long couch that I despise. On its own it is a very nice couch. But it is not My Couch. My Couch was sage green and 6-feet long. But when they came to deliver My Couch, it didn’t fit in the apartment because it couldn’t be stood upright to navigate the turn into the living room. It had to go back and we had to pick another one. “We” chose a dark brown sectional in faux-suede.

There are two colours on the planet that I despise don’t care for. Pink, and you guessed it, brown.

Due to DH’s schedule we had about 10 minutes to pick the replacement couch and this was the only one that was in the same price range. I despise the couch because I can’t sit on it without hurting my back, it’s monstrously huge, and oh yes, it’s BROWN.

So I decided to cover it up. Now this is a quandary. I hate the couch and would love to get rid of it, but we can’t afford to do that until it’s absolutely necessary. So by covering it, I am eliminating some of the brown, but at the same time I am prolonging its life.

Being the practical gal that I am, I delude myself decide that if I don’t see all of it, it’s not quite that bad. This is the second ripple I’ve made for the stoopid couch. The first one lasted about a year because between DH and my step-son, someone was always using it. Let me tell you, if you thought the Brain Dead afghan was aptly named, try doing the Soul Sucking Mind Numbing 8-Foot Ripple. Twice.

I buckled down yesterday and did about 12 repeats. Each one took 20 minutes so it was about 3 hours of work. I bargained with myself – do one repeat, check your email. Do one repeat, have a glass of wine. Do one repeat, have some chocolate….and so on. Finally I finished it late last night.

My hands are killing me today – I think my days of crocheting are almost over – the pain just isn’t worth it.

I present to you, the Soul Sucking Mind Numbing 8-Foot Ripple in it’s glory

Looks innocent enough doesn’t it?


The whole mind numbing view


I did this out of Red Heart Casual Cotton and a 5.5mm hook. Time to complete – 5 months. Now I have to start one for the Lazy Boy, but it won’t be crocheted that’s for sure!

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