Since I have occasionally been known to gloat over my brilliance, I must with all hubris admit when I screw up. And boy this was a record setting screw up.
I have no idea how I let it get this far without noticing it. I can’t even blame wine as I’ve been drinking green tea instead at night. Hmmm…maybe that’s the problem….
There’s no other way to do this than to shove it right at the top of the post. If you have small children you may want them to leave the room.
This is supposed to be a remake of my favourite crocheted sweater Climbing Cables. We were going swimmingly along on the back
The sleeves (which pretty much look like the bottom of the back piece)
And then the front happened…
The blue line is what it should be. The red line is what it ended up being.
Not only did I miss 2 entire repeats of the cable, I didn’t notice it for 8
Yes, I will admit that some not so nice words were said. Clancy ran away.
Wine was consumed (what the heck, it was a lost cause anyway). So I frogged the
front. Somehow despite the fact that I had circled the right size on the
pattern, I managed to cast on two entire sizes smaller.
On to happier news,
The Summer of Socks 2008 is going nicely. I have no pressure on myself to win
any of the contests – for me knitting is not about speed, it’s about enjoyment.
If I put too much pressure on it, it becomes a job. I already have one of those
– don’t need another.
Here are my in-progress.
The “I’d better pay attention” socks from Wendy Johnson. I’m almost up to the anklebone and ready to do the heel. I am still entranced by the way the yarn is barber-polling. It is not a pool, it is a definite diagonal stripe.
The “I don’t have to pay attention at all socks”. These are my
subway-riding-visiting-with-friends-movie-watching knitting.
The pattern is the Patons Kroy basic sock that I always make. The yarn is
Garnstudio Fabel.
I’m on vacation this week so I hope to get some of my Christmas knitting
finished. However I have a few projects luring me away from that goal. More
details later in the week.
8 thoughts on “The Agony and The Ecstasy”
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I hope the wine, at least, was good.
Sorry for your “ssst happens”
What yarn are you using for the “I’d better pay attention” socks? I like the diagonal affect. I also like the colour.
Even though I feel your pain, your sweater adventure had funny element, which you portrayed in your writing, and it made me smile. Carry on, the finishe line will be all that more sweeter because of your oversight……..
Thanks Carol – every great tragedy has an element of comedy right?
Hi Rochelle. The sock yarn is from Loopy Ewe and it’s called ShibuKnits. The colourway is Seaweed andyou can find it here.
It was very good
Sorry you had to frog the front of your sweater. DIdn’t this happen with another project you were working on a while back?
*drops to the floor in lieu of being hit by empty wine bottle*
Truth be told I’ve frogged so many it’s a blur!
You know how it goes….K1, Frog 2
Besides, I’d never throw a wine bottle at you – unless it’s a gentle toss to say “get another one wench!”