Finally it’s done!

Wooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Knit

Almost one year to the day, the Debbie Bliss sweater which was unofficially known as Maggie’s Naggies (because my friend Maggie kept nagging reminding me to finish it) is done! Quick, break open a bottle of something!

Why such celebration in the Stashaholic household? Because this sweater had not one but two (well that’s a relief) sleeves that were done in moss stitch. All 20″ of them. Now you have to understand, I hate ribbing. I’d rather balance my cheque book than do ribbing. Well you know what moss stitch is don’t you…an offset ribbing

It wasn’t too bad when knitting the body of the sweater because at least the moss stitch was interesting. Not so for the sleeves. It was mind numbing. It made CPAC look interesting.

From Knit

But it’s done. The only issue is that I’ve lost 25 lbs (yeah!) during the process of knitting this sweater. As you can see from the book cover, it’s a big fitting sweater, but I’m afraid that it might be a tad too big now. But you know what? I don’t give a hoot – it’s DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Knit