Reaching Out

We heard on Friday that our CFO has lymphoma. Instantly the requests started pouring into my email from coworkers who know of my work with Heartmade Blessings…can you make her a blanket? Can we help? Can I do anything with power tools?

Well, no to the power tools, but other than that, I accepted help from knitters and crocheters on staff. I decided to do this outside of the HMB world because I had so many people who wanted to help. I bought the yarn (Patons Decor) on Friday and have made three squares so car. I think I’ll end up making the majority of squares (because I’m the most experienced and am able to crank them out) but the thought counts.

Here are the squares I did so far:

Hmmm….speaking of power tools, I wonder if I could work faster if I hooked up my crochet hook to a drill….

One thought on “Reaching Out

  1. Lovely squares, Sherri. Prayers that your CFO can beat this. And prayers that your hands hold up well while making & assembling the squares.

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