Lusting after a sweater

Oh, I’ve got it bad. I’m dreaming of this sweater from Ram Wools.

I want it so badly I can taste it! If ever a design was perfect for me, this is it. Once I’ve landed at the new place, I’m making the order. Actually I might make it before, just in case I can’t find the catalogue once I’m unpacking! This sweater wasn’t on the site when I posted this message because the fall catalogue isn’t listed yet. But it should be soon!

I really like Ram Wools for a few reasons.

1) They’re Canadian eh?
2) Their designs are wonderful – simple, classic designs with some fun and funky ones thrown in.
3) They don’t hose you on the shipping or the price of the kit. $73.80 is not a lot to pay for a wool sweater
4) They send me catalogues – I don’t have to remember to go to the site to see what’s new.