Booga Booga Booga

Ok, so it’s a poor impersonation of that racing guy that starts off each race with boogity boogity boogity. While I am NOT a racing fan, but I have friends who are, so I guess resistance is futile.

My Booga is a Booga bag that I cast on for at 8pm on Friday night and just cast off the last blessed stitch of 6 feet of icord. D’ya know why they call it an icord? Because some idiot came up with it and the rest of us idiots follow along blindly. It is my second least thing (after the 20″ of moss stitch on the Debbie Bliss sweater I knit). I did this in Noro Kureyon in colour 183. I just have to felt it and we’re done. I’m seriously considering that this is a good Christmas present kinda knitting – do-able in one weekend.

My finished size pre felting is 12 1/2″ wide xย  12 1/2″ tall. Since it’s square, it will be interesting to see if it keeps the same proportion when felted.

I am so not looking forward to the endless icord that I have to do for Samus.

7 thoughts on “Booga Booga Booga

  1. Very funny Sheri. Good attempt at the NASCAR joke, I appreciate the effort. It’s a pretty bag. You could always do them in the colours of everyone’s favourite drivers if you’re seriously considering them as Christmas gifts.

  2. Thanks Drew – I have one, but it only does sport and dk. This is worsted with big huge slubby parts

  3. Peggy, seriously, other than the icord, this baby is like greased lightning comin’ off the needles. The icord on the other hand is like being caught in quicksand. I’m going to try a crocheted version next time since it will felt anyway.

    You have got to make one of these – it’s so fun!

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