I’m exhausted. Buckle your seatbelts – it was quite the Adventure!

I’m just back from an action packed weekend that involved:

  1. taking the sock on a tour of the Niagara region
  2. exploring a new yarn store in Fonthill, ON
  3. visiting the FrogPond
  4. hunting down hairy cows (figuratively not literally)
  5. chasing rainbows
  6. wrestling tin lizards
  7. becoming obsessed with an aran sweater in the Wrath of the Gods
  8. planning to move to Iceland
  9. substituting ordering an Icelandic Fleece when I realized how far the
    commute was to work
  10. getting soaked by Mother Nature (who definately had a case of severe
  11. attending Stitch ‘n Pitch.

I took the train down to St. Catharines on Wednesday night to visit my very
best friend Keziah. We go back farther than either of us want to admit so we
prefer to say that we have “history” together. She had to work on Friday so I
spent the day helping her mom and dad prepare for some renovations. This
involved more work than my old bones were prepared for, but it was nice to move
around instead of growing roots out of my butt in my desk chair all day.

I am part of The Summer of Socks on Ravelry and one of the contests is Take
your Sock on Vacation. Well I certainly did. The only problem I had was my
camera has no depth of field so it’s either a picture of the background or the
foreground. I’ve given you pics of both – put on your imagination hat.

So, take a deep breath – here we go!

First stop –
Rose’s Fine Yarns of Fonthill – a lovely little store that has
only been open 8 months. Definitely worth a repeat visit

Next stop: Frogpond Farm. Seriously – how could a knitter resist something
called Frogpond?

I’m not sure if this is the frog pond (no frogs in evidence) but there were

Even chickens with feathers on their feet!

Once we had safely procured our organic wine and assured the sock that it was
not being frogged, we were off on our grand adventure looking for hairy cows.
The wee beasties were not easy to find. We went up and down every Line and
Concession within a 10 mile radius (and doubled back on a few) with our conversations wandering along with
us. Finally we found the cows. They are actually called
Highland Cattle and
despite my best efforts to figure out if I would be able to spin their
hair/fur/fleece (what do cows have anyway?), I couldn’t figure out how to sheer

While hunting the hairy beasties, we came across one of my favourite animals
ever – sheep! They had already been shorn so no fibre here either

We got stuck in an unexpected rainstorm so we took refuge in at the Irish
Design shop in
Niagara on the Lake. This sweater absolutely captivated me. Sadly I did not have
$700 to purchase it.

This was our reward for being caught in the storm.

We continued our adventure and came across the most amazing metal sculptures.
With the highly appropriate name of Richard Steele, it seems like this was his
destiny. He makes his pieces out of scrap metal.

These pieces are about 8′ tall

And these bugs totally captivated both of us

After all that gallivanting, we need rest and fortification. So we watched
Wrath of Gods. It is an amazing documentary about the making of
Beowulf and
. I fell madly in love with
Sturla Gunnarsson
(the director) and his sweater. I spent the
entire show watching it, trying to memorize the pattern. Finally I got the
bright idea to try to photograph it. Easier said than done. 24 pictures later,
this is the best image I could catch.

While I am not that eager to move to Iceland, we did hatch the plot to spin an
Icelandic fleece. We’re looking for one right from Iceland so if any readers
have one, I can give it a good home

My trip ended with an uneventful and on-time (for once) trip back to Toronto.

When I got back, I ran my suitcase up to work because silly me hadn’t realized
that Stitch ‘n Pitch was only an hour
later than when I arrived. I dashed into work muttering “you don’t see me…you
don’t see me” and left the baggage behind. I ran back down to SkyDome (still
can’t call it Rogers Centre – I’m not one for feeding egos, especially Ted
Rogers), and this was what was waiting:

Mother Nature unleashed one heck of a storm – we were all soaked and more
than a little felted.

Amy (of Knitty
Fame) tossed out the first pitch. I was busy buying overpriced beverages and
missed it. But I did manage to catch her on the Jumbotron.

Purl (the mascot of The Purple Purl)
was having a blast – she is such a social butterfly. Here she is with one of her
mom’s – Miko

and her other mom, Jennifer. Apparently Purl is a lush….who knew?

Even the mascot and the snack guy got into the swing

The sock has been to quite a few sporting events this year – does that make
it an athletic sock?

Miko sure knows how to get ‘ya groove thing on…yeah yeah….

I think Paula is trying to figure out Miko’s moves

Drea is just ignoring both of them

The place was filthy with knitters. According to the Blue Jays, 950 tickets
were sold – almost double the amount of last year

And yes, I did watch the game. We beat Oakland 4-3 in the bottom of the 9th –
happy happy

Thursday night was
T-Rocks Guild night and honestly, I’ve been too tired to post the recap of
the week. I’m resting this weekend and catching up on some much neglected things
(ie. the blog, cleaning, tackling Mount Laundry).

Have a great weekend!

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9 thoughts on “What a Week!

  1. HEY! I thought you said I wasn’t in that picture 😛 *snerk* Evil woman 😛

  2. What a great story. Love the cows, and the rooster. The expensive jacket/coat looks just like made for me.

    Your story throughout is wonderful and captivating, making me imagine I was there.

    The sock just makes the whole story have a great humorous side to it.

    Great Trip!

  3. Nice recap. I’m still laughing at your demand for Icelandic sheep. 24 pictures?! It took half an hour of stopping and starting, of yelling at other people to get out of the way, of some drooling, to get those pictures.
    A woman came into work the other day wearing the most delightful tunic and when I caught myself memorizing the pattern I knew your influence was strong, Grasshopper. Or is it more important to call you a Growling Grass Frog(A real species. I swear)

  4. I’ve been to that Irish shop at the Lake on Niagara … beautiful items in there to drool over & yes rather pricey at that! You sock looked like it had a very good vacation with you 🙂

  5. You could make that sweater from NOTL shop. Just grow the sweater I am making for Sarah. It is the same pattern on the bottom. That’s the sweater you helped me pull out several times. Do you really want to get into it? 🙂

    Great pictures.

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