Stashaholic’s Scrapalicious Scarf Pattern

Phew – try saying that three times fast!

So, here’s the pattern (such as it is):

Stashaholic’s Scrapalicious Scarf

A large amount of different colours (there’s no real exact science here – it’s whatever’s on hand). If you want one colour contrast, knock yourself out. I’d suggest sport weight because otherwise it will weigh a ton.

Black sport weight – hard to judge amount because I used scraps, but I’d guestimate around 15 ozs

4.25 mm hook

  1. With black, chain a honking amount of stitches. I’d figure somewhere around 200, but really, it’s however long you want to do it. (Mine starts at one knee, travels around the neck and meets at the other knee.) Fasten off.
  2. With contrast colour, join in first ch, ch 2. HDC in back loop of each sc across. Fasten off.
  3. Turn and with black, join in first sc, ch 2. HDC in back loop of each HDC across. Fasten off
  4. Turn and with contrast colour, join in first sc, ch 2. HDC in back loop of each HDC across. Fasten off
  5. Repeat until width required is reached.