Run don’t walk!

I have a very big day coming up on Thursday (tune in then to find out why), so lately I’ve been treating myself. I’ve signed up for a series of classes at Lettuce Knit, bought patterns from Elann, but most importantly bought twin set of books that arrived today.

My favourite books to buy are those of stitch patterns. Armed with those, I can conquer the world. I can safely say that I have never ever seen more beautiful stitch books. The  Vogue Knitting Stitchionary Volume One: Knit & Purl and Vogue Knitting Stitchionary Volume Two: Cables are beyond comparison. Cables I have never seen before (not even in Ms. Starmore’s books) and knit/purl combinations that never would have occurred to me. I didn’t order Volume 3: Color because I’m more of a texture knitter than colour knitter.

I can’t post the pictures because of copyright, but I’m telling you – run don’t walk to the nearest store and buy them.