RIP Juno

The frogging trend continues chez Stashaholic.


I’m having a devil of a time following the charts for Juno Regina on Knitty. Apparently to fit their format they had to slice and dice them and I’m just not able to put them back together in the style they’re supposed to be.

Feel the Pain:

Context setting – the whole thing:

Right Side – everything looking groovy:

Left side – not looking so groovy. Note especially the difference between the left and right sides. It’s ok – I’ll wait until you catch up.

I can’t even blame this on merlot. Quite a few of us are having challenges with the charts. There’s a Ravelry support group to lend shoulders to cry on (I’ve soaked a few lately).

Believe me, nothing hurts more than frogging 50 rows of Malabrigo Laceweight. And before you ask, yes I was a complete dumbass and arrogantly pulled out the lifelines because “hey it’s working”.

Lesson learned. Do Not Tempt Knitting Gods. They will jab you with a very pointy needle to burst that pride bubble.

3 thoughts on “RIP Juno

  1. My condolences on the passing of Juno.

    I can see the difference between the left and right side. Too bad about the charts being so cut and paste.

    Next project?

  2. That pattern looks quite similar to the Gothic Leaf stole that I am incapable of knitting. Just reading this post is making me break out in hives.

    Better luck with your next pattern.

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