Usually I go down to The Purple Purl on Sundays, but today The Boy and I had a rare day alone so we made a movie date on the couch. We watched Gone With the Wind on DVD and just kicked back. He fell asleep about 60 minutes in (as is the norm) and I quietly wept (as is the norm) when Rhett left Scarlett.

Different opinions – The Boy said he’d have throttled her about 5 minutes into the movie, and I said I admired her moxie. A definite “he said she said” approach to evaluating Scarlett’s character.

I worked on my ripple afghan for most of the movie and discovered that somehow it had decided to unravel about 12″ down. (the crochet gods have joined the knitting gods in their desire to punish me). Since The Boy and his son can’t tell the right side of an afghan from the wrong side I figure my odds are pretty good that they will not notice (or care for that matter) that there is a little booboo. I was not about to unravel 12″ of ripple stitch. As there is no way to pick up stitches in crochet, I just said
“screw it” and sewed it up. I’ll just put that side down and no one
will be the wiser.

I also managed to finish a bobbin of lovely yarn from my Aldcroft Angora purchase at the Purl. I’m not sure what the yardage is yet – will check that out next time I drag out the yarn meter. The WIPS are pretty close to my normal of 18/inch.

Clancy’s favourite part of spinning is the plying – not only one strand to watch but two! Yes, her head is against the ceiling. We stacked some of my stash boxes and it’s now her favourite place to sit. There is barely enough room for her to squeeze herself in, but from this lofty perch she gets to be Queen of the Castle and glare at the mere mortals below. It also provides a great launching point to leap on unsuspecting humanoids at 3am when she wants petting.

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3 thoughts on “Sunday Spin-in

  1. tee hee… Clancy is verry photogenic..luckily.

    yay you on the spinning front! looking good. I look foward to feeling it up sometime and seeing what magic you have spun it into!

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