Play Day

Warning – Photo Heavy Post and Much Temptation Below – Don’t Blame Me For Any Impulse Buying or Stampedes Which May Result From Reading This Posting!

There hasn’t been much content posted lately nor even much knitting chez Stashaholic. I’m working on a project which is taking between 50-60 hrs/week and will likely continue to do that for the next month.

I was so tired this week that I told my boss that I wasn’t coming in today and he said “ok”. So I now have a 4 day weekend (it’s Victoria Day weekend aka May two-four (think a two-four of beer as we say in Canada). So I decided what better place to spend my day than at the Purl.

Apparently I also spent my paycheck.

I haven’t been there in almost a month because of work deadlines and my jaw almost hit the floor when I walked in – so much goodness I didn’t know where to start!
To be fair, much of what I purchased today is going for Christmas presents – I’m just shopping early.

Cottage Craft Angora – sooo soft. 

Malabrigo Silky Merino in colour Indiecita 416


Dye Version (a local Indie dyer) Bamboo Sport in colour Smoke


A new Hound Design spindle followed me home – I never could resist a dog! it’s Pau Amarillo and Mahogany and weighs a weeny 14g

As always they have their logo on the back. Either I’m tired (more than likely) or just looking at this photo wrong, but it looks like a bum to me!

The place was jumping with colour – I can’t tell you how in love I am with the wall o’Malabrigo


and a new wall of naturals – linen and cotton and bamboo oh my!


New laceweight


Alpaca with a Twist – you can’t beat the softness and yardage on this baby


And of course, my darling Miko who always makes me smile

I did get a few rows done on Iccy over the last week. Iccy is my pet name for Icarus, which is truly anything but Iccy. I don’t think I blogged about it yet, if I did, go get a pop or something….if not…
Iccy is being made with Kauni 8/2 WEF and will take just over 1 of the 400g balls.


I hope to have Iccy done in the next week but I really don’t have anywhere big enough to block it. Anyone want to loan me a bed?

I’m off to play with my new toys – enjoy the weekend!

5 thoughts on “Play Day

  1. That is so funny. Miko put aside some of the Malabrigo silk in that very colour for me. I am hoping to get there tomorrow or Sunday to pick it up. I’ll get some Alpaca With A Twist next weekend.

  2. you are right…your pix that day were fabulous! Bring yarn/projects to be photographed anytime! 😉

    I am very glad you are enjoying the new yarns we are bringing in. Look for a lot more goodness from Dye-Versionover teh coming months. They do some very wonderful things with colour!

    And as always it was great to have you come play at the Purl..mmmm rice pudding!

  3. SO you’re the one that snapped up the Dye Version bamboo in my favourite colour! I love that stuff and now I have to WAIT. Torture.

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