One WIP down….

I finished my wire necklace today. It doesn’t show well in the photograph, but the colours are beautiful together. It’s a bit wobbly in parts, but I’m pleased anyway. I like the way the copper and the green work together. I’ve got a spool of red, so now I’ll try red and green. I might finish it for Christmas

It’s really not difficult to do. The hardest part was finding a corker that had 6 needles. Plenty of four needle ones out there, but it took me a while to find one – at Walmart of all places.

We had a long red spool when I was a kid – many Barbie doll rugs were made on that one. I think that’s the first craft I can remember doing…I was probably around 5 or so. So long ago and so many projects since then – it’s like coming full circle.