Now That’s Progress!
Well, despite having to re-write every line of the pattern by hand – something to do with instructions like – reverse shaping from back (which has in turn reversed shaping from another part of the pattern) I am making progress on my sweater. I block everything now before I sew it together. I never used to do this (especially with acrylic), but I find it’s easier to sew together if you aren’t fighting the curl that a stocking stitch sweater has. It also lets me see problems while I can still take them out. I use as many pins as I can squeeze in there so that there aren’t any wonky sections. Sorry the photos aren’t very good – blue sweater pieces don’t show up on the blue plastic I have on my blocking board.
I’ve got the front left and back done and am making progress on the front right (which reverses front left and back shapings yet again). Am I lazy or should patterns have to write everything out? After all, this does come from an Easy Knitting magazine. If I were a beginner, I’d have frogged this a long time ago.