Silhouette of a black cat with it's paw on a purple ball of yarn. The text 'Adventures of a Stashaholic' is in green and purple

In which the Stashaholic becomes a wanton woman

I have been working a lot of overtime lately so after putting in a few hours today I headed down to The Purple Purl for some wanton stash enhancement. And I totally succeeded. I finished work around 12 then stopped at The Bay (department store) and bought a Swiss Army rolling case that fits my spinning wheel perfectly. I’ll post pics next time I pack L2 up for the road (likely Tuesday for Knit Night at the Purple Purl). My good friend Terry made me a case for L1, and I do use it for L2, but honestly, holding an extra 12 lbs on my back and trudging through snow and crowded subways isn’t fun. It’s a great case for the car, just not for subways.

Headin’ Home

I’m off to Langton (population 500 during the tourist season) to celebrate my dad’s 75th birthday. I’m actually driving the new car for the first time on a long distance by myself. I
feel like such a grownup!

Much deliberation went over the selection of cd’s. I can blare them as …