Catching Up

I haven’t been in the mood to blog much this week. I’ve been brooding over the fact that crochet is off limits. Regardless of what the Dr. said, I am going to do some pattern testing for a friend this summer. I figure if I do it in small bits, I’ll be ok.

I have been spending a lot of time at my wheel trying to figure out what can take the place of crochet. I came to realize that I hadn’t actually been enjoying doing it at all in the last year. I was doing it because I thought I had to, not because I wanted to. What bothered me was the fact that I couldn’t do it anymore. Even if I didn’t want to, I didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t able to do it.
I think this is why I love spinning so much (other than the fact that it doesn’t hurt me). I am able to work through whatever is bothering me as I work through the roving. With the amount I spend on my stash, I’m not sure it’s cheaper than therapy, but it’s definitely more enjoyable.

I have been doing some knitting, so here is my progress to date:

I started a stash project on Friday. This is TyeDye cotton that I got in the basement at Romni for $2.50 a ball. I have almost 20 balls of it, so I have lots to play with. I dug out the Patons Endless Summer booklet 745 (an oldie but a goodie). I’m making the Bobble Top but am doing it sans bobbles A woman of a certain age does not need extra bobbles.


I am making great progress on Wendy’s toe up sock. I’m not sure I like the heel as it seems very pointy, but she’s just released a new version with a slip stitch heel. I’m debating ripping back, but am willing to admit that I’m much too lazy to do that. I’ll do it on the next pair.


The T-Rocks guild had our last official meeting of the year and we always end with a pot luck. My “cooking” involved stopping at a local Middle Eastern bakery and bringing my favourite dish. It’s called Sohan and is a sort of brittle/pistachio sweet. Oh so yummy. I have to take it to places though because otherwise I’ll eat the whole thing. Contrary to these pictures, Clancy did not eat it, she just was checking it out to make sure that it wasn’t chicken.

Oh and as a final thought, as a loyal Sopranos fan (who owns every season on DVD), I have to say (a la Comic Book Guy)….Worst. Finale. Ever.

I needed closure. I needed some indication that Tony would have to confront what he did…whether through losing someone, through indictment or even through death. I need to believe that bad people get punished. Oh I know he has some redeeming features and that he really does love his kids and Carmella, but ultimately he’s not a very nice man. Maybe it’s because I’m a Virgo and see things in black and white, but I needed an ending that was an actual ending. I hope they weren’t leaving it vague like that just to allow them to come back with a movie, but the cynical side of me says that that’s the likely scenario.

One thought on “Catching Up

  1. I love that yarn! I hope you plan to show FO pics! I agree about bobbles and age. Personally, 15 is too old for bobbles. LOL

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