The Tour de Fleece Begins

I’m participating in a challenge (you know how I love those!) this month. It’s called the Tour de Fleece. It goes along with the Tour de France and we spin every day that they ride, from July 3rd to July 25th. We get July 12th and July 21st off, just like the actual tour.

I’ve never done it before but I’m really looking forward to it. I haven’t been spinning all that much lately so this will get me back in the habit. My knitting will take a dive in productivity, but that’s ok with me.

I’ll be tweeting my progress and blogging photos when I have something to show. Since I spin mostly lace to fingering weight, I won’t go through a lot of fibre, but I’m hoping to get through a fairly good amount.

This is the Ravelry group if anyone is interested

Here’s my grand plan. First up 4 oz of a sprightly merino/silk

Followed by a pound of absolutely squooshy Polwarth (this is the ambitious part of the plan)

Wish me luck, I’m going into this cold with no training. Hope I don’t get a cramp!

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