Rogues’ Gallery

What a weekend it’s been!

My step-daughter dropped off her 9 week old kitten (Rogue) on Thursday night for us to catsit while she was out of town. Clancy was NOT impressed. Much hissing and chasing occurred for the first day. The funniest part is that Clancy is almost 3, is a Maine Coon that weighs almost 12 lbs and is rather “fluffy”. Rogue is 9 weeks old and maybe 2 lbs. No matter how huffy Clancy got, Rogue just sauntered by her with a “WHATEVER!” attitude.

It took about a day, but things settled down. Clancy still isn’t quite sure about this addition to the household, and she watches the kitten constantly (even in the litter box). I think Clancy will settle down for a long nap when Rogue goes home this afternoon – she’s been on guard constantly and has had to keep up with the little furball. That’s hard to do because this kitten NEVER STOPS MOVING!

Here’s the proof – not one picture I took turned out – they’re all blurry!

Note the two heads in this photo:

She also loves the Toronto Maple Leafs (it’s not an option in this house not to)


The great huntress:


I did get some knitting done this weekend – in fact I got a Christmas present done – woo hoo! I finished the Jaywalker socks out of Tofutsie’s for someone who shall not be named in case they read this blog between now and Christmas.

One present down, three more to go!

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