Oh to live a life of Leisure

I was AFK (Away From Keyboard) most of the week because I took a much needed vacation. I went to St. Catharines to visit my good friend Keziah and somehow ended up in the middle of a NASCAR frenzy. I admit that I am not a NASCAR fan but spending time with her and experiencing the enthusiasm that NASCAR fans have for their sport was not all that different than my life as a Leafs fan. As a bonus the commercials are much funnier than on the hockey games

I did get quite a lot accomplished in my self-imposed exile. Of course the fact that my trip back was delayed due to a freight train derailment on the line. Via Rail (who I just adore traveling by) was good enough to honour my ticket back on the train when I refused (politely) to get on a bus that they had scheduled to replace the train ride home. I am not a fan of buses (although I am forced to take one to work every day) and since I paid for a train ride, I expected a train ride to be provided. And they did

I completed the back on my Climbing Cables crocheted sweater and have now started on the front. I love this pattern.

I also finished 1/2 of a honkin booga bag that I’m doing out of Bernat Felting. I have 10 balls of this in my stash and I’m knitting until I run out.

Continuing my week of leisure, I spent yesterday at the Purple Purl and somehow a new Hound Design spindle jumped into my bag. I was feeling a little blue because Thursday marked the 5th anniversary of my mom’s death from a heart attack.

I always wanted a dog and when I was young, tried on numerous occasions the old trick of “the dog followed me home so can I keep it”, so as this has a little hound engraved on it, I think it’s appropriate that this little beauty be allowed to stay

It’s 40g and made from Cocobolo – isn’t it pretty?

I’m back there tomorrow to hold the second part of the Intro to Crochet class I teach. Then sadly I have to return to work on Monday. Oh well, something has to pay for all this stash-y goodness.

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7 thoughts on “Oh to live a life of Leisure

  1. Thanks Janette – it’s less expensive on amazon.com than on amazon.ca but I think it’s out of print (or they’re not carrying it anymore) so you have to buy it from re-sellers who set whatever price they think is fair.

    I’m glad I have both of Jane’s books – I only wish she’d do more!

  2. The sweater looks great.

    I saw those spindles last Saturday when I was at The Purl but I was able to resist. I still think, one of these days, a Hound Design spindle will find its way home with me.

  3. Beautiful sweater. The cables look complicated. I don’t think it’s going to be too much longer when You are going to wear it!

  4. The sweater is coming along really nicely! I can tell already that it’s meant for you.

    What a perfectly behaved little Hound to jump into your bag like that. 🙂

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