Let the Spinning Commence

I love Jessie Raymond. Seriously. Go buy something from her – you won’t regret it.

Our convo went something like this:

Hey Jessie – you’ve spun a sweater, what fibre would you recommend if someone was crazy enough to decide to spin one herself because she was irrationally convinced to do so by a Ravelry group?

The end result of that conversation arrived at my door today. 3 gloriously-soft-jam-packed-into-a-ball-of-heavenly-goodness pounds of Blue Faced Leicester.

It’s as solid as a bowling ball. The 900g coffee can is for scale.

I’m going to spin for this sweater:

Sirdar Eco wool dk
Book 336
Design C Woman’s Bramble and Garter Stitch Collared Jacket

I won’t be posting about it constantly (how boring would that be anyways…), but I will check in from time to time on progress. I ordered 3 lbs because I want to have the luxury of lots of sampling to get exactly the spin I want without worrying about running out.

My goal is to have it done by next Christmas (I’m nothing if not realistic about my so-called attention span)


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One thought on “Let the Spinning Commence

  1. Congrats on the arrival (finally) of the new fiber. I only hope you don’t blame me for the 3 lb. monkey on your back for the next year! I am chugging away on my own gray fiber (wool/alpaca) and it’s not as nice to spin as the BFL so you should be in good shape.

    I look forward to seeing your progress! (Great pattern choice, btw.)

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