It’s snowing plastic sheep

I got a few emails from people after my last post. Yes I am crocheting an 8 foot snowflake. No I am not insane (although there has been some debate about that).

The lovely ladies at the Purl appealed to my vanity (you’re such a fast crocheter and you know so much about crocheting snowflakes) and somehow I found myself agreeing to crochet a snowflake for them. Then they dropped the bombshell that it was 8 feet. And needed in a week.

Note to self: If Miko looks mischievous, RUN!

Never one to turn down a challenge, I spent the last few days noodling around with thread and came up with a prototype which will be adjusted as I go to get the right size now that I have the real materials.

I did not realize that when I agreed to this insanity that I would be crocheting with plastic sheep. Clancy is in horror at the “fake fur” aspect of this. But I have to admit, when worked up, it does look like a flake! The material is ONline Lanie 191 Maxima.

This picture is the first three rows. Cat and shoe included so you can get an idea how honkin’ big this stuff is. I’m using a 15mm hook. Dudes – that is like a broomstick!

All I can say is that it’s a good thing Mother Nature doesn’t drop these puppies on us. Imagine the four feet of snow we had last year made up of 8 foot snowflakes!

9 thoughts on “It’s snowing plastic sheep

  1. lol…OMG it is gonna be perfect….but i love your RUN comment. honestly…am sorry about the plastic sheep part…but really it is gonna look very flaky!! 😉 you am the best!

  2. WOW. You totally got “snowed” by Miko! But I bet it will be the super awesomest snowflake ever. I applaud your herculean efforts!

  3. Love your snowflake … will you be sharing your pattern??? How much more do you need to go to finish this 8 foot flake? It looks lovely. Great job.

  4. and it looks absolutely perfect for it;s intended use! PERFECT! you are gonna be awfully pleased with your self…even more so than when you delivered it. But I do agree it best to RUN when Miko looks mischievous. I ended up naked..the horror. 🙂

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