Can you knit cranky pants?
I’m feeling very restless and more than a bit cranky these days. The recent
hellish spate of -25C weather kept me inside for the most part and that’s never
a good thing for me.
The state of the economy also has me terrified. DH was laid off from his job as …
The Tortoise and the Hare
Some projects trip the light fantastic and flow off of needles at a speed that causes sparks to fly. …
February Ladies
Yesterday some 20 knitters gathered to celebrate the completion of our first Knit-Along at The Purple Purl. There were actually almost 70 that knitted the February Lady pattern , so I’m not sure where the rest were, but we certainly did represent the spectrum of colour, …
Spoiler Alert – Through The Loops Socktoberfest Sock (and other updates)
For those doing the knit-along, don’t read if you don’t want to see clue one and two.
I don’t usually do mystery knitting (having more than once been disappointed with the final design once revealed). So I peaked ahead at the socks being done with this one, and fell in …