Silhouette of a black cat with it's paw on a purple ball of yarn. The text 'Adventures of a Stashaholic' is in green and purple

Lace Love-In

When last we met, I was wrestling with Monkey Farts. I’m happy to say that the yarn which was substituted worked superbly and resulted in this FO. You’ll have to excuse the craptactular photography,
but there’s a wicked thunderstorm going on and I have one hell of a migraine. …

Monkey Farts

I don’t know why it popped into my head yesterday, but it did. “This knitting looks like Monkey Farts”. I reached out to the innerweb to confirm and while they were all polite, the consensus was that
yes, it did have a certain odour to it. …

Of Heroes and Challenges

I have had radio silence on the blog for the two weeks of the Olympics. I started with a definite handicap. I was having severe hand and elbow tendinitis issues. So much so that I could barely hold a
coffee cup, let alone a knitting needle. But I was …