The Last Word

I am happy to close the loop (pardon the pun) on my saga of the knotty wool.

I have been in contact many times this week with the farm and they have given me permission to publish their name. Out of respect for them, I waited until I had their permission.

The reason I want to publish it is because I want you to know what a fabulous experience I had with this farm. It is Topsy Farm on Amherst Island (near Kingston). Never have I had such response to a concern over quality.

Not only are they replacing the defective yarn, they offered to personally wind the replacement skeins to make sure that there were no further issues. Oh and they are sending extra yarn to make up for the return shipping costs I incurred.

This is the last exchange that Sue and I had (I hope you don’t mind me quoting you Sue but you said it so well!)

“I’m glad that you blogged about the experience – it’s important to let people know about your experiences (good and bad) – it saves/helps consumers…we should all report both good and bad experiences, but too few of us report on the good stuff, and complain (in silence) about the
bad stuff.

I am entirely thankful that you brought this issue to our attention, and that you gave us the opportunity to correct the problem-if we don’t know, we can’t fix it, and that’s what we’re all
about – happy customers. We rely on word of mouth, and find little of our advertising (for wool anyways) is very successful…it is for this reason that we are dedicated to happy customers (whatever it takes).

I am happy to have you report whatever you like to about this experience on your blog. If it gains us some orders, excellent, if it loses us some, well so be it.

Thanks so much for your understanding while we sort this out.”

Because of the way I was treated, I am now a customer for life and will recommend this farm to anyone looking for very sheepy wool

PS – I am going to try to make a trip to the farm the next time that I visit Kingston (sometime in April).

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