Startitis Strikes Again

I’ve been suffering from start-itis again. Lots of little things underway, and a few big things lurking in the corner….so what do I do? Ignore it all. I’ve been instead working on charity squares.

I belong to a wonderful group known as Heartmade Blessings. Heartmade Blessings is a worldwide group that makes comfortghans for those going through difficult times. We’ve had a lot of requests come in through the website, some of which have brought me to tears.

I very firmly believe in the quote from the bible “To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). I spend a lot of time working on charity pieces, whether for Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto, or for comfortghans for soldiers injured in Iraq.

Charity begins at home – dig around in your stash and get involved. It only takes about an hour to make a square, and trust me, as a recipient of a comfortghan I can tell you how much it means to someone who’s feeling very alone and scared.