
DH and I are heading out to Halifax tomorrow to do our annual pilgrimage to see
his mom. She’s 86 and in a home so each trip becomes more bittersweet.

This time we’re going high tech. Both of us are taking our laptops and I hope to
blog from the road. Well not during the actual driving part, because you can’t get
wifi in the remote towns the TransCanada Highway takes you through, but once we’re
in Halifax I’ll login and start posting pictures (after we’ve recovered from the
23 hr drive with a nap and some adult beverages of course).

The big challenge has been deciding what to take to knit along the way. I think
I’ve settled on my projects.

The Scholar’s Jacket has made great progress this week. I’m now at the part where
I divide for the armholes and work up the back. It’s a bulky project to bring but
I want to have it done when I go visit Topsy Farms in April so that I can introduce it to the sheep from whence it came.

Also on the rotation is my Snapdragon Sock. This has been languishing for months…some
captive knitting time is a good thing to finish it.

For knitting in the dark (probably on the way through Quebec) is
Wendy’s Toe Up sock

For mindless knitting when I’m tired is the Noro shawl. I’m much further than
this but I have packing to do and no time to take more pictures!

Of course if I have too much fun, well, blogging will be sparce!

Pray to the weather gods for us ok? One drive in an ice storm is enough for me.

3 thoughts on “Roadtrip!

  1. have a terrific trip my friend. Lots of nice knitting..but i still think you will beat Miko to the Gale finish line even if it is not accompanying you. I will miss ya! Looking forward to catching up when you return. Feel better too! hugs

  2. Thanks Jennifer – I tried to come down today but alas Mount Laundry was too large. I keep giving Miko time to work on Gale to make it a “sporting event” but alas I think she is distracted by Central Park Hoodie

  3. Happy traveling. I am so full of cabin fever these days that even a 23 hour car ride sounds like a good time. Get me outta here.

    Hope your tooth is better.

    Beautiful cable knitting.

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