Lest We Forget
I am going to depart from my regular yarn related content today to remind you to pause at 11am today.
Both DH and I come from military families. My great uncles served in WW1 and my cousins all did active duty with the Canadian Armed Forces. Some are still serving and I pray for them every day. DH’s dad was a chef in the navy. To both of us, November 11th is an important day to give thanks.
It is also one of the reasons that I am heavily involved with Heartmade Blessings. We make comfortghans from 12″ acrylic squares that are given to people going through difficult times. You can see some of the comfortghans I’ve made here.
Many of the afghans we make are done through an off-shoot program called Operation Purple Heart. Comfortghans are made for families of fallen soldiers. If you would like to help, or need more information on our group, either email me at stashaholic @ gmail.com (remove the spaces) or visit the website. We are especially looking for Canadian volunteers.
So on this Remembrance Day, I personally give my thanks to those who lost, thanks to those who gave and thanks to those who will never forget. I understand some people don’t agree with the war, but regardless of your opinion, please support our troops. They are human beings with families they have left behind to try to work for world peace.
The last time the world turned away, WW2 was the result. Let us not have that happen again.
In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
4 thoughts on “Lest We Forget”
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Loved the article. Agree with all of it. Support the troops all the time, pray for them every night. Love my comfortgam and my shawl. I am using them both right now. Thank you so much for all the time it took you and for the love that went into it.
Thank you so much for this thought-provoking post. It’s such a horror to me what war does, not only to the people who are in it, but also to their families, friends – everyone close to them. It’s always been like that, but obviously we never learn. Thanks for this reminder.
I wish I was there to give you hugs in person Mom #2. I also pray for you every day. Someday soon I’ll come and visit and we’ll sit and watch CNN all day together
Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I am busy doing the NaNoWriMo thingy. I am up to 44,622 words. Need another five thousand and this is Nov.18 only got 12 days to get it. LOL
Love you sweetheart. Keep on truckin’ with your weaving and knitting and crocheting etc.