I am officially a lace knitter!

I love learning new things – you could say I’m addicted to it

Today’s class at Lettuce Knit taught me a few things.

  1. My eyesight isn’t what it used to be. Dark variegated laceweight on dark needles might not be a good idea for a first lace project.
  2. Don’t try to talk and do yarn overs at the same time.
  3. The row that you decide you don’t need to count is the one that you’ll screw up.

When I got home, I frogged the one I was working on and switched to a slightly thicker yarn. It’s still beautiful (like Fleece Artist could be anything else). This is the Kid Silk 2 ply, and I know exactly who’s getting this for Christmas

Here’s my progress today (after I restarted). Total knitting time, 3 hrs. I’ve pinned it out roughly to see what it would look like when blocked. I’m lovin’ it.

From Random Shots