
Nothing says summer like knitting on a wool/mohair shawl. But I think it’s worth it and the recipient will be pleased (hopefully I can give it to her in a couple of weeks
and show some pics). This yarn was bought in Halifax at The Loop and it is
very special to me – almost as special as the person I’m giving it to. I loved
this pattern (once I understood the strange beginning) and I’m going to
definitely make it again for myself.

Pattern: Springtime Bandit
Yarn: Give it a Whorl Handpaint
Needles: 5.0mm

I have also started a new lace scarf. I am a huge Anne Hanson fan (I could be accused of stalking….) and every pattern she issues immediately goes into my queue. This one is perfectly suiting the handspun tussah/merino blend that I chose for it.


Pattern: Fruit of the Vine
Needles: 3mm
Yarn: Handspun – 20 wpi

Which came from this:

Which started it’s life as this roving from
The Roving Spinners
(colour closer above but I couldn’t replicate it in the roving shots)

I love evolution don’t you?

3 thoughts on “Evolution

  1. Sherri, I really love your scarf and you do great work!.. You are very fast and do really nice knitting, I wish I could knit but really I am content as a crocheter at this point… Hope you and the gang have a wonderful time in Buffalo… LynnA

  2. I do love my gift. Thought you should know. It lives beside my computer chair and every time I snuggle into it, I know it a big hug from a dear friend. You are so sweet to think of me! hugs and much Love

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