Welcome to the Adventure

Welcome to my blog. I’m known as Stashaholic for a reason. I have 6 huge Rubbermaid containers of yarn, three of crochet thread, plus untold green garbage bags in my locker (I stopped counting at six). I learned to be a Stashaholic at an early age. My mom and I would hit $1.44 day at Woolco and stock up. My mom passed away two years ago from a heart attack and I inherited her stash. Believe it or not, 20 years later, she still had some $1.44 yarn in there I have come to realize that I need to clear out some of the older yarn. My taste has changed over the years to include more expensive yarns. So, to feed this ever expanding habit, I need to make room, both in the physical space and financial realms. I’m having a Stash Reduction Sale at the Toronto Hookups sale on January 15th. My biggest challenge is deciding just what to part with. Every ball of yarn has a story about how it was purchased, and with whom. It’s like parting with old friends. I wish I had more room, but in a very small one bedroom apartment that I share with my hubby, so something’s got to go.