So that’s how big 3 lb is

Oh Oh, yet again my somewhat dubious math skills come into play.

I6734528247_3db3c84ced_z did not realize just how much roving 3 lbs would actually be! I am set now for the entire winter. Or until something bright and shiny passes my way and I get distracted
Coffee tin for scale (I am Canadian and Tim’s is a food group).

I may try dying this before spinning it because I took Color in Spinning out of the library today and will read it first. Or at least that’s the plan.





I also finished a comfortghan for a family member who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. For privacy reasons I’m not going to tell you who it is, but any prayers would still find their way to her. Special thanks as always to the folks at Heartmade Blessings for sending me squares. This is a horrible picture and I apologize to the square assemblers, but I was in a rush to get it in the mail to her.


4 thoughts on “So that’s how big 3 lb is

  1. Sorry to hear about the rello with breast cancer – always a nasty thing.
    3lb roving – about umm 1.3 kilos? That is a lot! You’ll have fun with that 🙂

  2. The ghan is beautiful. I am sure your SIL will get comfort from it.

    You are going to have so much fun with that roving.

  3. Imagine the look on my face when *5* pounds of roving was delivered to my door? OK, I wasn’t surprised when I got the box, but when I opened the box and all the roving sproinged out? And I couldn’t stuff it back in? I knew I was in trouble! And then life got busy and I haven’t had time to spin ANY of it. Grrr.

    (And yes, Timmy’s IS a food group all unto itself. 🙂 In fact, I’m enjoying some RIGHT now.)

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