Silhouette of a black cat with it's paw on a purple ball of yarn. The text 'Adventures of a Stashaholic' is in green and purple

Saying hello to old friends

While tossing my stash around this weekend preparing for the sale next week, I came across an old friend that I hadn’t seen in a while. This is what the finished piece will look like (who knows when I’ll get here though!) I started this piece over 5 years ago and put it away when […]

The Great Koolaid Experiment

I found some wool in my mom’s stash, so I decided to experiment. Now, the wool was quite grotty (it was labeled 1976), so I’m not sure how it will work up. It was quite fragile while I was rolling into the skeins… I took some Tropical Punch Koolaid and followed the instructions on this […]

Startitis Strikes Again

I’ve been suffering from start-itis again. Lots of little things underway, and a few big things lurking in the corner….so what do I do? Ignore it all. I’ve been instead working on charity squares. I belong to a wonderful group known as Heartmade Blessings. Heartmade Blessings is a worldwide group that makes comfortghans for those […]