Oh Phewy

What is it with January knitting anyway? I’ve now frogged 3 entire projects because the yarn won’t do what I want.

The first one was a shawl out of perfectly lovely yarn ( Lucy Neatby Celestial Merino) but for some reason it didn’t want to cooperate. It’s done the “tick a lock” lips sealed thing on me and won’t divulge what it wants to be.

Then there was the entire sleeve I knitted while watching the Canadian Juniors win the gold medal. Apparently sports and knitting do not mix well for me. I somehow increased incorrectly and had to frog it too.

Followed closely by the toe up sock that I didn’t realize had short row heels until I got there (note to self – you know better – read the freakin’ pattern before picking up needles). I personally hate short rows and avoid them like Clancy avoids baths.

So far January is literally living up to it’s “new beginnings” theme. At this pace I may finish something by December!

(and I was so ticked off I frogged before taking pix…sorry!)

One thought on “Oh Phewy

  1. Darn it for all the froggin, but on the bright side it could be that you are getting all the ripping out of the way to make room for good knitting mojo!

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