HMB Rocks

Heartmade Blessings is the coolest organization on the earth. With a volunteer squad of around 100 active members (although there are over 200 listed), we have managed to do the following.


2001-2002 we did 886 ghans (according to the website)
2003 we did 971
2004 we did 1,000
Nov 29, 2004 -Feb 13, 2006, we have done 840
Operation Purple Heart total is 755.
No numbers available for Teddyghans or snuggles
This totals 4,452 x 12 squares each = 53,424 squares.
A football field is 360 ft x 160 ft = 57,600 sq. ft and we’ve done probably close to 54,000 or 55,000!

How cool is that!